We all need a little reminder now and then about how to work like a boss. So, here are some #WorkLikeABoss cheatsheets to keep by your desk or to give to someone who needs it.


A reminder for all things Boss: the five qualities to bring to work with you every day to find, and use, your personal power.


Your personal values define your self-culture at work. They drive how you show up for yourself, for others, and for the organizations in which you work. Use this worksheet to define yours now.

We often focus too much on what we need to say and less on how we’re saying it. There is always room to grow and get better at that. Use this guide to tackle the “how” part with more thought.

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Tough messages are, well, tough to say and to hear. Yet hard things need to be said—often—and they can help move relationships, partnerships, and projects forward in healthy ways when done well. Use this guide to be kinder when saying and hearing difficult things.

Fear is everywhere at work and it sabotages performance, so having an awareness of how fear shows up is one of the best ways to combat the barriers it creates. Use this to ID what you might be fearing and get a little reminder on how to kick that fear in the face.


Illustration by Drawn Well